FAITH5 – Blessing One Another

Wednesdays in Lent we are exploring thefaith practice called FAITH5 – a nightly routine in which families gather to SHARE highs and lows, READ scripture, TALK about how scripture informs their lives, PRAY for one another, and BLESS each other.

"Blessing One Another" –
a Lenten message by Angi Johnson

In my 15 plus years of being a child and adolescent therapist, I have had many occasions to help youth identify and correct thinking errors. One of the thinking errors I would teach is called “Distant Elephants”. Basically, it’s about making a choice that will likely have unwanted consequences but the consequences are-or seem to be-so far in the future that they do not act as a deterrent or cause one to make another choice. Like an elephant – when it’s far away, it looks small and not scary or intimidating. However, as it approaches and gets closer and closer and bigger and bigger, the fear begins to set in. I have put a great deal of thought into what I am to share with you tonight and I am 100% sure that I was utilizing the Distant Elephant thinking error when I agreed to do this. When I told Pastor Aaron, I was in, it seemed so far away…not scary, not intimidating. But as the days and weeks go by and it gets closer and closer, that elephant was suddenly huge and I have been scared. Really, really scared. Sure…I’m scared to talk in front of so many people but I’m also scared that my words won’t be adequate in conveying the importance of a nightly blessing.

Even though I have jokingly shared with a few people that Pastor Aaron preyed upon my weakness by asking me to do this at the Mardi Gras party after a beer or two, I actually volunteered. When Pastor Aaron told shared with church council about his experience hearing Rich Melheim speak and how he and Lindsey were incorporating the Faith 5 into their nightly routine, I was excited! I shared with him that I have been blessing both of my children nightly since my youngest, Faith, was an infant. I have to be honest and admit that I consistently have really high aspirations about implementing faith practices into our home…and I consistently fall short. We don’t even pray every night before dinner and we don’t ever do family devotions.

However, when Faith was born, we were attending a church that offered “Faith Stepping Stone” classes. These classes, also by Rich MElheim, were classes created for parents of children at certain developmental stages that taught how faith and child development fit together and provided a faith practice at each age. Because we are really high achievers when it comes to this stuff, we attended the first class, which taught the faith practice of the nightly blessing and that was the only class we attended. However, because we did attend this one class, we started the ritual of giving both of our daughters a blessing each night at bedtime. The blessing we use is simple…I make the sign of the cross on their foreheads and say “You are a child of God. God loves you and so do I”. That’s it. It takes probably less than 5 seconds. But I think the benefits are so profound.

Blessing is powerful. In Rich Melheim’s book, Holding Your Family Together he says,

In blessing, we are claimed and named as part of something larger than ourselves. We are both braced and embraced. Blessing brings comfort and shows us we are important to God and to the people who bless us. It brings a mutual reassurance of God’s unconditional love to both the bless-er and the bless-ee.

Later he writes, 

A hug is a blessing. A kiss is a blessing. A smile is a blessing. These all have power. But by invoking the name of God, we invite Him into the picture with our loved ones and our loved ones into the picture with God. …Blessing names us, claims us and calls us to live up to that name-God’s child. It calls us to further live up to this gift. Blessing brings intent and purpose to our lives. It assures , ensures and reassures us of God’s unfathomable power and unconditional love. It reminds us of who-and whose we are.

Wow, we can give all of that in less than 5 seconds!!

I do this with my girls, Maggie and Faith, because I want to give them all that every single day. I want them to know every night before they go to bed that they are loved by God and by Micah and me. I know that life isn’t always easy even when you are a kid-and unfortunately, it will probably get even more difficult as we wade into the turbulent waters of adolescence. They will probably be called names and have things happen to them that make them feel unworthy or unloved. Sometimes I might have a bad mom day when I’m not as nurturing as I would like to be or they might have a day or two when they aren’t the best kids in the world or easy to like. This is why I want them to know…every single day…that they are both children of God and that God loves them and their mom and dad do too and that nothing will ever, ever change that.

I take time each night laying with each of the girls for a short time and always end with the blessing and a hug. Sometimes, on particular days when we haven’t gotten along so great or had the easiest day, this can be hard…because I’m angry or annoyed or my feelings are hurt and I just don’t want to do it. But I always do. Because I want them to know, especially on the hardest days, that they are still God’s and they are still mine.

When I really stop to think about it, I need to hear that same message, especially on the bad days – that I am a child of God. And Faith does often give me a blessing after I give hers. She used to say “You an an adult of God. God loves you and so do I.” I have tried to explain to her that I am a child of God too, even though I’m old, and so are her grandparents and her teachers and everyone else. When I stop to think about it, I am in awe that I am really God’s child and He loves ME in a perfect version of the intense, unconditional and passionate way that I love Maggie and Faith. Glennon Doyle Melton writes in her book Carry On Warrior

I am confident because I believe that I am a child of God. I am humble because I believe that everyone else is too.

That is another thing that I hope to convey to Maggie and Faith in their nightly blessing…that they are God’s and they are loved but so is everyone else that they encounter. And I hope this will changes the way they interact with other and live in this world. Actually I keep that quote written in the paper calendar that I still use so I can remind myself that that’s how I want to live and interact in the world.

When I think about the fact that we are all children of a loving God, I recall the writings of one of my other favorites, Nadia Bolz Weber, in her totally amazing book Pastrix. She is preaching on the Gospel text in which Jesus is baptized and God and God says “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well please” and she writes,

And the Word that had most recently com from the mouth of God was, ‘This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased.’ Identity. It’s always God’s first move. Before we do anything wrong and before we do anything right, God has named and claimed us as God’s own. But almost immediately, other things try to tell us who we are and to whom we belong; capitalism, the weight-loss industrial complex, our parents, kids at school-they all have a go at telling us who we are. But only God can do that….. Our identity has nothing to do with how we are perceived by others. But it’s still tempting to believe

After some more explanation and exploration about our identities and our temptation and tendency to believe the world instead of God, she makes the following suggestion:

Take a note from Martin Luther’s playbook and defiantly shout back at this darkness, “I am baptized”, not I was but I am baptized……because every person, regardless of religion, is named-and claimed-baptized by the God who created her.

This is what I want to give my girls in that very short blessing each night – the confidence that they are beloved children of God and so is everyone else they meet. And that they are God’s and only God can tell them who they are.

FAITH5 – Praying With Your Family

Wednesdays in Lent we are exploring thefaith practice called FAITH5 – a nightly routine in which families gather to SHARE highs and lows, READ scripture, TALK about how scripture informs their lives, PRAY for one another, and BLESS each other.

"Praying With Your Famiy" –
a Lenten message by Schoan Nahre

When I volunteer for things like this I forget that the person in charge probably already has a direction they want things to go. I can’t just fly by the seat of my pants sharing whatever fun stories pop in my head.

At the initial meeting Pastor Aaron shared the topic. He had already been able to put his readings into practice gathering his family at the end of the day to share highs and lows and to pray with each other and for each other. Wonderful!  I can see how this could have benefits for a lifetime. 

How I’m made, even before he finishes his explanation I’m already thinking of what I’m going to talk about. And immediately realizing I’m not prepared. I may not be the right person for this project. I don’t have small kids. My children no longer live at home.

A day or two later I saw my sister who lives in Chicago. Her religious experiences are far more vast than mine working for campus ministries for several years, then at the ELCA headquarters for 15 years and World Hunger. 

I shared with her what I had gotten myself into. Adding to the challenge the impressive people I had to follow.

I’m just shaking my head considering the fact I’m in too deep. My sister’s advice?  With a chuckle only a sibling can produce (that means she’s getting a little joy in my anguish) says to me, ‘Well, you’ve got to provide the message for the common man’.

So, with that deep, insightful advice – here I go!

To my relief there is more to this 5-step program beyond me needing to adopt more children so that we can share our highs and lows each night.  Step 4 is about prayer.  And in that chapter it discusses meditation and talking to God.

As many of you know Pastor Mark has a renewed enthusiasm for meditation these last few years. He’s shared advice and scripture and opportunities in the evenings to join him. I was super excited because I always thought I could benefit from meditation but each time I tried – in my mind – I failed. I could put the time aside and find a quiet space. But I couldn’t get my mind to stop cookin’. It wasn’t necessarily productive thought, but it was busy up there and messing with my chance to get refreshed and energized by meditation.

In one of the meditation inspirations from Pastor it mentions you pretty much get credit for just trying. The fact I took time out and provided myself a quiet space was a form of meditation.

I replied to his e-mail explaining how this information was such a relief that I wasn’t a complete failure at this meditation thing and then I went on and on how my mind won’t stop thinking- usually about silly things. Blah Blah Blah. (Kind of defusing the positive in his message.)

He replied to my e-mail… (side note - you know how people have concerns about e-mail and texting because there is no chance to read a person’s facial expression, body language or hear their tone to know if they are happy or sad or sarcastic?)  I got his replied and I laugh out loud because of what I was picturing. 

This is what I pictured when reading it. A kindergarten teacher comforting a small child who fell down and didn’t get hurt but still found the experience scary. 

Pastor Mark replied to my e-mail with this one sentence: "Schoan, that was the point."

It made me chuckle. How I sometimes I overthink things.  And make them more difficult than they need to be.

The book for this Lenten sermon series shared another point-of-view for meditation that also excited me. It said “Meditation doesn’t have to be any scarier or more mystical than listening to a wise and loving friend.”

SCORE! I’ve been doing that for decades. I’m blessed with some of the coolest friends on the planet and there is this one who is on the same page as me in the quest to successfully meditate. We help each other mark things off our Bucket List.

One friend has such a thirst for religious comfort and guidance that if she is not getting it with normal avenues she will seek new ideas. For example she visited Gethsemane Monastery for three days of prayer and meditation. No TV. No Internet. No cell phone. Just you alone with your thoughts. 

I asked her to describe it. She didn’t read this book but she shows a lot of similarities.

I want to read it to you verbatim because it’s so good.

That time was…..

….one of letting go of the noise, and making myself more available to the Holy Spirit

….immersion into silence opened up space in my head and heart to hear my own concerns/worries/questions instead of always burying them in busy-ness and worldly distractions

….once I heard those things inside me, the emotions around those things also came to the surface

….then, when all of that surfaced, it’s like then, through the quiet and through prayer, the Holy Spirit started to ‘deliver’ insights and gifts to me of understanding and healing.  Sometimes it was just a peaceful feeling…other times, it was actual new ways of looking at things, understanding things….sometimes ideas for actions to take, etc.

Overall, the experience was of having rested from noise and distraction and busy-ness and spending time with the One I love…remembering His love for me and renewing and building our relationship. As they say, loving relationships require attention and listening as well as speaking.

The point is -  have the conversation with God.  In any form you chose. There is no right or wrong way to do it. 


One of the fun examples of prayer is my husband and his Haiti trip a few years ago.  I put it in both categories of highs and lows because at the time he might consider it a low point but the fact he shared the experience I consider a high point. Anybody who goes on the trip with the thought it’s all about the Haitians has a big treat ahead. Each person returns with a bigger heart for compassion and better appreciation of how good we have it.

My husband doesn’t work out but he’s on his feet all day and stays active so he thought he was prepared for his week in Haiti. He was wrong. Really wrong. You might have heard it’s a bit hilly there. Some might call the hills, mountains. 

One day the terrain was kicking his butt and he says in an old fashioned Lutheran way (by that I mean he thought it really loudly) “Jesus, if you want me to get to the top of this hill I’m going to need your help”. This was out of character for Kurt and I think it was wonderful!

Step 4 in this series is about prayer – highs and lows. It might take a little effort to put the time aside and to give it serious thought to come up with highs and lows. But believe me, you will reap the benefits tenfold.

And I joke about my sister. But she is an excellent example of a person who prays for other’s highs and low. I can tell you without officially knowing – that last night and again today she prayed for me with her big heart hoping things went well for me tonight.