Brandi Carlile

Voices in the Wilderness

Luke 3:1-6

In the fifteenth year of the Emperor Tiberius, while Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, while Herod was ruler over Galilee, and his brother Philip was ruler over the region of Iturea and Trachonitis, Lysanius was ruler over Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, son of Zechariah, in the wilderness.

He went out around the region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah, the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord and make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, every mountain and high place shall be made low, the crooked will be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh will see the salvation of God.”

Some of you know this, because you’ve been part of them, but when I lead discussions on race relations, racism, and diversity, I often suggest that participants, in order to get familiar with a perspective different from their own, they be more deliberate about reading, listening to, even following on social media, voices from different walks of life.

For me – a straight, white, middle-class man in the United States, it has meant that I do simple things like follow People of Color on social media and read Black authors like Ibram X. Kendi, Colson Whitehead, and Isabel Wilkerson. (I can’t recommend her latest book, Caste, highly enough.)

It’s why I learn so much from female theologians like Rachel Held Evans, Nadia Bolz Weber, and colleagues who are women, too.

It’s why I am as entertained as I am informed by the music of gay and lesbian artists like the Indigo Girls and Brandi Carlile.

And it’s why I’m so blessed and better for the perspective I gain about poverty and wealth from my friends in Haiti.

And thinking about this with today’s Gospel on the brain made me think about John the Baptist in a new way, too.

See, for a long time, I believed all those names listed in this chunk of Luke’s Gospel, were nothing more than date stamps; historical markers; ways to establish the place in time that all of this took place; “all of this” being the beginning of what we know of John the Baptist’s ministry. And it is that to some degree. It’s interesting and telling – especially for people who know their history – to know that all of this happened when Tiberius and Pontius Pilate and Herod and Philip and Lysanius and Annas and Caiaphas were doing their thing, all of which happened sometime in the late 20’s or early 30’s of the first century, according to smarter people than me. I was never great with dates and timelines.

But it’s even more interesting to me to understand that Luke’s Gospel is up to something much more meaningful than recording history by time-stamping his Gospel with the names of political and religious leaders; emperors, governors, high priests, and whatnot. Luke was also pointing out that God’s word and God’s ways were not always proclaimed to – or by the likes of – the people in high places.

Instead, the word of God came to and came through the likes of this camel-fur-wearing, honey-and-locust-eating, crying-out-in-the-wilderness, down-by-the-river-baptizing, repentance-and-forgiveness-preaching Jesus freak, named – not Tiberius or Lysanius, not Pontius Pilate or Herod, but John. Just John, the son of Zechariah. And he wasn’t from anywhere that mattered or that you could find on a map, like Judea or Galilee or Iturea or Trachonitis or Abilene, either. He was out in the wilderness … down by the river somewhere … if you could find him.

It might go something like this today: in the first year of the presidency of Joseph R. Biden, when Eric Holcomb was governor of Indiana, and Joe Hogsett was mayor of Indianapolis, during the papacy of Pope Francis and the bishopry of Bill Gafkjen and Elizabeth Eaton, the word of God came to Steve … or Stacy … or Jamaal … or Jesula – over the river and through the woods; on the other side of the tracks; or under the bridge; or maybe “down at the B.A.R. with the B.U.M.’s,” as Christa’s favorite aunt used to say.

Because what John was saying was the same thing the prophet Isaiah proclaimed: that God would show up first, for those who needed God most. That Jesus would be a welcome guest for those who were suffering and struggling and sick and in need. And that Jesus would be a fly in the ointment, a thorn in the side, a pain in the behind for those in power; for those in high places; for those with titles before – and with letters after – their names.

Which is to say, those in low places will be lifted up; those in high places will be knocked down; those doing wrong will be righted; those who are rich will be made poor; those who are poor will have enough; and any other way you can think to promise that the status quo would, could, and should be upset for the benefit of those who rarely benefit from the status quo, such as it is.

And all of that is why we do so much of what we do as God’s people in the Church – especially during these holiday days. It’s why we give gifts to foster kids. It’s why we pack Thanksgiving dinners for our food pantry families. It’s why we send a little something extra to our Agape Alliance friends and give so generously to the Grace Quest students to buy all of those animals from the ELCA Good Gifts program. And every bit of that is good and gracious and holy. Don’t get me wrong. But let’s not break our arms patting ourselves on the back about it.

Because I think the reason John named – and the reason Jesus challenged – the likes of emperors, governors, rulers and religious leaders of all shapes and sizes, is because the kind of confession and repentance John called for, the kind of challenge and change Jesus championed, was meant to be deeper and wider and structural and systemic in such a way that it would last longer than the holiday season and have impacts so far-reaching, so culture-shifting, so world-rocking that heaven and nature might sing at the results and ramifications of it all.

“Every valley shall be filled,” remember. “The mountains and the high places shall be made low.” “The crooked made straight and the rough ways made smooth,” after all. And, you realize, none of this “prepare the way of the Lord” stuff is about landscaping or road work or the new round-about over at Gem Road and 300 South. John is talking about the repairing and restoring and reinventing the broken social, cultural, political, religious systems of the world as we know it.

He’s talking about God’s desire to create a level playing field of justice and mercy… of healing and hope… of peace and prosperity that would, could, should be available to all of God’s children – especially for those relegated to the valleys; especially for those who get screwed by the crookedness of corruption and injustice; especially for those who can’t ever seem to get over the rough road of their station in life.

Like, what if, among other things, we could smooth out the rough, rocky roads in the Holy Land by having great compassion for our Jewish brothers and sisters there, yes, but without also condoning or ignoring the plight of the Palestinians, too.

Like, what if, among other things, the glass ceiling of sexism in this country could be brought low, so that women don’t make a mere 82 cents for every dollar that a man makes?

What if the crooked ways of systemic racism could be hammered flat so that, among so many other things, people of color weren’t incarcerated for longer sentences than white people for the exact same crimes?

What if the low places of homophobia were raised up so that, among other things, gay and lesbian people didn’t have to call me, before showing up for worship here, just to be sure they’ll be safe and feel welcomed, if they muster the courage to give it a go?

See, God knows it’s so often the emperors and governors, the rulers and religious leaders, the people of power and privilege, who rest easy in the status quo and who resist change for the sake of others because of it. It’s why God’s word comes to the likes of John down by the river, and sends people like him to cry out in the wilderness, to prepare the way of the Lord, and to make his paths straight.

Tupac Shakur, a Black rapper from my generation – a voice in the wilderness of his day, for sure – wrote something that made me think about all of this:

So let’s stop long enough to listen, you and I, during these Advent days, and beyond. Let’s hear the cry of John’s voice and others like it these days: voices different from our own; voices different from the powers that be; voices that tell of struggle and oppression and suffering and a life’s experience many of us can’t fathom or fully grasp. And let’s respond to God’s invitation to confess, repent, and do something to change what’s broken in this world until all flesh – all flesh – shall see, receive, and experience the salvation God brings in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Some People Get Religion, Some People Get the Truth

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands, that is, without washing them. (For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, do not eat unless they thoroughly wash their hands, thus observing the tradition of the elders; and they do not eat anything from the market unless they wash it; and there are also many other traditions that they observe, the washing of cups, pots, and bronze kettles.) So the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?”

He said to them, “Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.’ You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.”

Then he called the crowd again and said to them, “Listen to me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what defile. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”

We love when Jesus lets the Pharisees have it. When they say something stupid or selfish or unholy and self-righteous and Jesus puts them in their place with a well-cited piece of Scripture. He does it more than once in the Gospels and it’s awesome. He calls them blind guides and blind fools. He compares them to a brood of vipers and white-washed tombs. It’s one of the ways I want to be more like Jesus sometimes.

And that’s what he’s up to this morning. The scribes and the Pharisees are getting after Jesus for letting his disciples eat with defiled hands – for not washing them, first – as their history and tradition instructed them to do. This wasn’t just about cleanliness and hygiene, either. The handwashing they were after had as much to do with religious ritual and piety, so the Pharisees and scribes were pointing out the supposed sinfulness of the disciples and judging them for it.

So, Jesus pulls that quote from the prophet Isaiah out of his back pocket and uses it to call them all hypocrites. “Hypocrites” because the Pharisees and scribes and religious people of all stripes were using the letter of the law to shame and scare and pass judgment on others, while they, themselves, had plenty to be ashamed of.

There’s an interesting bit of scripture, removed from this lectionary text for some reason, where Jesus gets specific about it, too. He calls out the Pharisees for creating a loophole, where they could avoid “honoring their father and mother” by declaring the portion of their income they would, could, and should be using to care for their elders, as “corban,” or as an offering to God, which was exempt from such worldly purposes. (In other words, maybe they didn’t want to pay for mom’s nursing home, so they designated that money as holy, sacred, and blessed by the synagogue so that it was off-limits in some way.)

And we know they threw stones, too – literally, threw stones – at women and girls for adultery and divorce and prostitution in ways men didn’t have to suffer.

And they declared food unclean and people unworthy and sins unforgiveable – which is what all of this with Jesus and his disciples is really about, in the end. These religious people were so good at pointing fingers and casting judgment and declaring who was in or out, who was loved or not, who was chosen or damned, and all the rest.

And Jesus’s point, I think, is that it’s easier to fight and point fingers and cast judgment about the stuff “outside,” than it is to look within ourselves or to wonder about what’s within the heart of our neighbor, too.

For the Pharisees, this “outside” stuff that left a person “clean” or not was stuff like handwashing … or all of those dietary laws they had to follow … or who was sleeping with whom.

For us – these days it seems like the “outside” stuff marks a person – is stuff like masks … and vaccines; political parties … and still, too much of the time, who’s sleeping with whom, for crying out loud!

We can throw all the proverbial stones we want – and we do, and we are as good at it as the Pharisees, some of the time – but, the genius of God, in Jesus, is that, because he looked so much like those Pharisees and because he looks so much like us, just the same, Jesus compels us all to look in the mirror, and deeper into our own heart of hearts, too.

Where are we throwing stones, when we could be offering mercy?

Like, maybe that person isn’t connected to a community of faith because they’ve never been invited before or because they’ve been burned by them in the past.

Where are we casting judgment when we could be asking better questions?

Like, is it a coincidence that, four of the states with the lowest levels of COVID vaccinated people are also among those ranked lowest in education in our country?

Where am I arguing about what’s on the outside instead of trying to understand, forgive, maybe even heal, what’s on the inside?

Like, maybe that really angry, ignorant, naive social media rant is the only vehicle for being heard that those special someones in my Facebook feed have at their disposal.

Where am I getting angry when I could be turning the other cheek?

Where am I being more proud than humble? More afraid than faithful? More selfish than self-sacrificing? When, where, and why would Jesus let me have it, just like he did those Pharisees so much of the time?

There’s a line in a Brandi Carlile song called “Looking Out,” where she sings, “Some people get religion. Some people get the truth.” Brandi Carlile, a lesbian who was denied the waters of baptism as a teenager because of her sexuality, sings about how she never got the truth. And I think that’s the case for too many people in our world these days.

“Some people get religion. Some people get the truth.”

Misguided religion draws lines in-between and divides based on differences. Faith and truth draw a gathering circle around to celebrate those same differences.

Misguided religion finds fault and flaws. Faith and truth promise forgiveness.

Misguided religion stokes fear. Faith and truth offer hope.

Misguided religion points fingers. Faith and truth lends a hand.

Misguided religion does the same-old, same-old, just because it is the same-old, same-old. Faith and truth get out of the boat and try new things.

Misguided religion counts sins. Faith and truth count blessings.

Misguided religion lives in scarcity. Faith and truth trust in God’s abundance.

“Some people get religion. Some people get the Truth.”

The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were all about religion. Jesus was and is all about the Way, the Truth, and the Life:

The WAY of discipleship that calls us to follow in his loving footsteps…

The TRUTH of God’s grace for the ways we stumble and fall as we go…

And the LIFE everlasting that belongs to each of us because we all belong to him.


Check out this performance of Brandi Carlile’s “LOOKING OUT” for a little inspiration.