Peter Marty

Hard Won, Faithful Following

Mark 1:14-20

After John was arrested, Jesus came from Galilee proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent. And believe in the good news.”

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fisherman. He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately, they left their nets and followed him. As he walked a little farther, he saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, in their boat mending the nets. Immediately, he called them and they left their father in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

Last week, I talked about “Doubting Nathanael,” that guy who hears about Jesus from his buddy Philip, but who is more than a little suspicious that this Jesus from Nazareth could possibly be who they thought he was – the messiah, the Son of God, “the King of Israel,” as Nathanael ultimately declares him to be, in spite of himself.

As part of all of that, I talked about that very churchy word “evangelism,” the notion of sharing the good news of the Gospel with others in order to invite them to faith – what Philip was doing for his friend, Nathanael, with that short, sweet, simple, holy invitation he learned from Jesus, himself: “Come and see.”

And, when it comes to this “evangelism” stuff, I suggested that some of us aren’t inclined to it. We don’t like it. We don’t feel qualified or capable – a lot of us – to talk about our faith. And I suggested that another reason many of us don’t “evangelize” or talk about our faith out there in the world or invite others to Church like we feel we would, could, or should, is because we don’t want to be “one of those kind of Christians.”

And I could feel the shared sentiment in the air when I said that – “one of those kind of Christians” – like many of you knew what I meant. You know, the pushy ones, the “turn or burn,” fire and brimstone, “get saved or else,” Bible-thumping, holy-rolling Christians who see Jesus’ invitation to “follow me” as less “come and see,” and more “get in line, or else.”

Well, when I considered this morning’s bit of Mark’s Gospel this time around, I wondered about another kind of Christian I don’t want to be, and never have been, really, for that matter. And that’s the kind of Christian who just drops everything and follows Jesus. The kind of believer who leaves nets and boats and friends and family to follow this Jesus from Nazareth. The kind of believer with no questions or doubts or suspicions – like the ones Nathanael had. The kind of follower who just buys all of this, who gets caught up in all of this, who gets dragged along by all of this, hook, line and sinker, you might say.

I think too much of the time, we hear this story about Jesus showing up in Galilee after his cousin, friend, and mentor, John the Baptist was arrested, strolling by the lake collecting disciples like so many sea shells by the sea shore, and we pretend that that’s how it’s supposed to work. That it’s that simple.

“Come and see,” I mean. And they do come, it seems. “Follow me and I’ll make you fish for people.” And I’ll be dipped, they drop everything, leave everything, lay it all down, and follow Jesus, like puppies or robots or whatever.

And it bugs me a little bit that someone thinks I’m “that kind of Christian,” just as much as it bugs me that some might think I’m “the other kind of Christian,” I mentioned earlier.

What I mean… And what I know about so many of you… And what I have learned from reading about those very same disciples we just heard about – James, John, Simon, Andrew, Nathanael, and all the rest – is that this faith we share is hard won; it’s rarely, if ever, easy; it’s hard to come by, to cultivate, to cling to, and to even care about some days. And when we just read little bits of the Gospels like this one – and what a lot of people preach and teach about it – we aren’t getting or sharing the whole story. When we pretend that everyone should be able to just drop everything and follow Jesus, we’re not being fair or honest about what this journey of faith and what life in this world are really like a lot of the time.

Because let’s not forget about how hard it was for these disciples to keep up with following Jesus so faithfully in those early days. Yeah, they left their boats and their nets and their dad that day by the lake, but they missed the point and misunderstood his teaching a lot of the time, too. They had amazing experiences where water became wine, where Lazarus was raised from the dead, where people were healed. They, themselves, passed around a couple of loaves and a few fish to feed thousands of hungry people on more than one occasion. Peter walked on water for crying out loud.

But the story goes that he sank like a stone, too, when his faith failed him out there on that water. And Lazarus died again somewhere along the way, too. And those disciples got stingy with the good news they’d received. And, in the end, despite all they’d seen and all they had to celebrate in their time with Jesus … in spite of all that faithful following … they denied him; they betrayed him; they deserted him; they left him hanging, quite literally, in the end.

Which is to say, again, this faith stuff is hard won, not easy, difficult for a lot of us to come by, to cultivate, cling to, and care about some days. And I think Jesus knew that and knows it, still. And I think it’s why he said then – and invites us, always – to “come and see” and “follow me,” nothing more and nothing less.

Peter Marty is a Lutheran pastor and editor of the Christian Century magazine, for which he wrote a piece last month about a man in his congregation who was coming to terms with the imminent death of his mother. The man, Jason, was 44 years old, his mother, Marie, was dying in the ICU. And Jason was utterly out of sorts about it all – never having been inside a hospital before and not resting in or wrestling with, any measure of faith, whatsoever.

So, in the ICU waiting room, trying to minister to Jason, whose mother was hours away from death, Pastor Marty was asking himself some pretty hard questions. Like, “to someone of unbelief sitting beside you in a hospital waiting room, how do you describe the power of faith, the significance of hope, or the meaning of life?” And, “How do you realistically acquaint them with the riches or comfort of faith during a 20-minute sit-down?”

Pastor Marty’s answer was, sadly, “You don’t.” And I think, sadly, most of the time, he’s right. None of us has encountered Jesus, strolling along the seashore with an easy, “Come and see” and “Follow me,” that does the trick.

As Pastor Marty writes, “Faith is a deeply ingrained condition formed through steady habits, disciplined practices, and reliable instincts that take shape over long stretches of time. It’s a way of life that acquires its layers and contours incrementally, developing ever so gradually and often imperceptibly.” He says, it’s something “like the parent who doesn’t notice her infant’s changing appearance until she comes home from a weeklong trip and can’t believe how much her child has matured in her absence.”

With that in mind, with the struggles that surround us in this world, and with the ones all of us are yet to encounter along the way, I hope we can be careful, compassionate, and realistic about how we receive and share this story of those first disciples who seem to so easily drop everything and follow Jesus.

Don’t get me wrong, their first steps were bold and brazen; beautiful and faithful; inspiring, even, to be sure. But, again, I know it’s not always so easy.

Because they were knuckleheads and naysayers, doubters and deniers, cynics and skeptics, fearful and faithless, too. And again, I think Jesus knew and knows that about all of us, just the same.

And it’s why our invitation is to follow in his footsteps. Not believe without question. Not denying that our fears are real or that they get the best of us too often, either.

But following with whatever faith we can muster – putting one foot in front of the other – loving, forgiving, showing mercy, giving generously, praying daily, worshiping regularly. Following as closely as we can – especially on our hardest days. Following Jesus – trusting that God is always somewhere out ahead of us … making a way for us and to us whether we believe it, understand it, can see it, or not. Following this Jesus – because his is the way and the truth and the life – and it makes a difference for us, come what may, in spite of ourselves, and for the sake of the world.


Midweek Lenten Lament for Greed

Matthew 19:16-26

Then someone came to him and said, "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" And he said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." He said to him, "Which ones?" And Jesus said, "You shall not murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; Honor your father and mother; also, you shall love your neighbor as yourself." The young man said to him, "I have kept all these; what do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." When the young man heard this word, he went away grieving, for he had many possessions.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Truly I tell you, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astounded and said, "Then who can be saved?" But Jesus looked at them and said, "For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible."

In last week’s edition of “Christian Century” Peter Marty, the magazine’s editor and fellow Lutheran, told about a thing that happened in the late 19th Century, in New York City, that I was stunned to learn about. (Marty, himself, learned about it from a book by Stephen Nissenbaum, called The Battle for Christmas, which tells about the history of Christmas as a holiday of excess in our country and culture.)

Apparently, back in the late 1800’s, well-to-do New Yorkers paid admission to watch the city’s poor people eat.

They staged enormous public dinners at the old Madison Square Garden during the Christmas season, with more than 20,000 people in attendance. They called these events “galas” – (in my mind I see something like a modern-day Met Gala) – that featured galleries and box seating filled with wealthy people, dressed in their finest, ready, willing and eager to watch hungry children eat, like it were some kind of sporting event.

According to an 1899 New York Times article, titled “The Rich Saw Them Feast” children from, quote, “illimitable abodes of poverty and wretchedness,” stood in line to enter the arena for a meal while the wealthy, paying spectators found their seats. Those wealthy, paying spectators were described as “men in high hats, women in costly wraps . . . many who had come in carriages and were gorgeously gowned and wore many diamonds.” And it gets worse.

“As if to keep the rich from mingling too closely with the poor,” Marty explains, “gifts for the children were dangled from ropes and lowered by pulley systems attached to the roof.”

And, lest we think we’ve evolved beyond that sort of primitive, exploitative, obtuse expression of greed, privilege, classism, and humiliation, Peter Marty recalls that hockey game half-time in Sioux Falls, South Dakota – just last December – where a handful of public school teachers got on their hands and knees at center ice to scramble for and grab as many $1 bills as possible from a $5,000 pile of cash. (They’ve been doing this stunt since at least 2018, from what I could tell, so I’m not sure why it just made a stink last year.)

Anyway, whether we’re talking about the meals at Madison Square Garden in the 19th Century or the “Dash for Cash” sort of nonsense just last year, it all shines a bright light on our confused priorities, our misguided views about charity, and the power of greed’s sin in our lives, which is something worth lamenting in these Lenten days, it seems to me.

Greed is the sin that blinds us to what’s most valuable in our lives and in this world. And it’s more than that, too.

Greed makes us imagine all the things and stuff and money that we COULD have, or SHOULD have, or DESERVE to have. Greed is that sinfulness in each of us that compares ourselves with the neighbors or with our friends or with our family members even. Greed is that broken, shallow sinfulness that keeps track of what we don't have; it's that sin that turns wants into needs; it's that incompleteness within us that convinces us that having more will make more of us – either because life will be easier then, or because we'll have succeeded then, or because we'll finally have as much as _____________ (you fill in the blank).

And I'm not just pointing the finger, believe me. I had to look in the mirror more than once as I prepared for this evening. And one thing I see there, more often than I’d like to admit, is the way I keep track of things; how I compare with others; how I rationalize what I deserve or what I could get or what I should be able to have. (more square footage, more retirement savings, more money for college, more whatever …)

But what I try to do – even though it's harder to swallow – is imagine what others might be giving up in order for me to have all of that “more.” Which hits me hard whenever I consider things like those meals at Madison Square Garden, those teachers on their hands and knees at the hockey game, my friends in Haiti, the refugees fleeing Ukraine, or those suffering so mightily in other places, like Yemen, these days.

Because, if we're honest with ourselves – whether it's groceries or gasoline, square footage or our life savings, even – if we have more of whatever it is, it means there are people out there in the world who may not have as much, or even enough of what they need.

Some of you have heard my spiel about Mary Poppins and stewardship before, so I’ll keep it short and spare you the “Spoonful of Sugar” song and dance. But there’s this point in the movie where Mary Poppins sings that song and shows the kids how fun it can be to clean the nursery, to the point that they want to keep cleaning the nursery, even when the job has been done. Mary Poppins tells them, simply, "Come now. Enough is as good as a feast." Which is the lesson and the challenge for me, where the lament of my greed is concerned.

"Enough is as good as a feast." “Enough is as good as a feast.”

In other words, you can only get a room so clean all at one time. Just like you can only wear so many shoes at once. Or eat so much food. Or live in so many rooms. Or drive so many cars. Or whatever.

And while I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't thinking a thing about Mary Poppins at the time, I do believe this is what he was getting at in tonight’s Gospel. This rich man wants to know what it takes to enter into the Kingdom of God, and Jesus doesn't pull any punches. "If you really want to know, sell your possessions, give the money to the poor and follow me." And he goes on, "It is harder for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle."

It’s not as sweet as Mary Poppins, so before we start rationalizing about how rich we aren't compared to those sitting around us … or about how much less we have than those who live next door … or about how much more we give away than some friends and family we know … let's notice that (even more clearly in Luke’s Gospel) Jesus says to sell all of your possessions – ALL of them – not 10%, not half, not what we might comfortably be able to do without – but ALL. (This is where every Christian I know forgets about their need to take the Bible so literally.)

Now, I happen to believe that grace changes hearts and lives more meaningfully than judgment and shame ever could, which is why I want us to see that Jesus gives us his own holy shot of sugar to help this medicine go down. Jesus says that, for us mortals it is, indeed, impossible. But for God, all things are possible. The power of God's resurrection in Jesus is our spoonful of sugar. The joy of God's forgiveness in spite of ourselves is our encouragement for tomorrow. The promise of God's unconditional love is all we need to make sharing our selves and our stuff – and wanting and needing less of it – part of our way of life in this world.

So, in these days, as we recall the sacrifice of God in Jesus Christ for the sake of creation – and as we lament our greed for such small things in the face of that cosmic kind of sacrifice, generosity, and abundant love – let’s recognize when enough is enough for us.

Let’s lament and be liberated from our greed.

Let’s lament for and with those who have less and let’s make due with less, ourselves, so that they might have enough, for a change.

Let’s lament and learn to give freely, with gratitude and joy, because Jesus promises, when we do, that we'll know more about the Kingdom of God – on this side of heaven, right where we live.
