
Hard Won, Faithful Following

Mark 1:14-20

After John was arrested, Jesus came from Galilee proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent. And believe in the good news.”

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fisherman. He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately, they left their nets and followed him. As he walked a little farther, he saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, in their boat mending the nets. Immediately, he called them and they left their father in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

Last week, I talked about “Doubting Nathanael,” that guy who hears about Jesus from his buddy Philip, but who is more than a little suspicious that this Jesus from Nazareth could possibly be who they thought he was – the messiah, the Son of God, “the King of Israel,” as Nathanael ultimately declares him to be, in spite of himself.

As part of all of that, I talked about that very churchy word “evangelism,” the notion of sharing the good news of the Gospel with others in order to invite them to faith – what Philip was doing for his friend, Nathanael, with that short, sweet, simple, holy invitation he learned from Jesus, himself: “Come and see.”

And, when it comes to this “evangelism” stuff, I suggested that some of us aren’t inclined to it. We don’t like it. We don’t feel qualified or capable – a lot of us – to talk about our faith. And I suggested that another reason many of us don’t “evangelize” or talk about our faith out there in the world or invite others to Church like we feel we would, could, or should, is because we don’t want to be “one of those kind of Christians.”

And I could feel the shared sentiment in the air when I said that – “one of those kind of Christians” – like many of you knew what I meant. You know, the pushy ones, the “turn or burn,” fire and brimstone, “get saved or else,” Bible-thumping, holy-rolling Christians who see Jesus’ invitation to “follow me” as less “come and see,” and more “get in line, or else.”

Well, when I considered this morning’s bit of Mark’s Gospel this time around, I wondered about another kind of Christian I don’t want to be, and never have been, really, for that matter. And that’s the kind of Christian who just drops everything and follows Jesus. The kind of believer who leaves nets and boats and friends and family to follow this Jesus from Nazareth. The kind of believer with no questions or doubts or suspicions – like the ones Nathanael had. The kind of follower who just buys all of this, who gets caught up in all of this, who gets dragged along by all of this, hook, line and sinker, you might say.

I think too much of the time, we hear this story about Jesus showing up in Galilee after his cousin, friend, and mentor, John the Baptist was arrested, strolling by the lake collecting disciples like so many sea shells by the sea shore, and we pretend that that’s how it’s supposed to work. That it’s that simple.

“Come and see,” I mean. And they do come, it seems. “Follow me and I’ll make you fish for people.” And I’ll be dipped, they drop everything, leave everything, lay it all down, and follow Jesus, like puppies or robots or whatever.

And it bugs me a little bit that someone thinks I’m “that kind of Christian,” just as much as it bugs me that some might think I’m “the other kind of Christian,” I mentioned earlier.

What I mean… And what I know about so many of you… And what I have learned from reading about those very same disciples we just heard about – James, John, Simon, Andrew, Nathanael, and all the rest – is that this faith we share is hard won; it’s rarely, if ever, easy; it’s hard to come by, to cultivate, to cling to, and to even care about some days. And when we just read little bits of the Gospels like this one – and what a lot of people preach and teach about it – we aren’t getting or sharing the whole story. When we pretend that everyone should be able to just drop everything and follow Jesus, we’re not being fair or honest about what this journey of faith and what life in this world are really like a lot of the time.

Because let’s not forget about how hard it was for these disciples to keep up with following Jesus so faithfully in those early days. Yeah, they left their boats and their nets and their dad that day by the lake, but they missed the point and misunderstood his teaching a lot of the time, too. They had amazing experiences where water became wine, where Lazarus was raised from the dead, where people were healed. They, themselves, passed around a couple of loaves and a few fish to feed thousands of hungry people on more than one occasion. Peter walked on water for crying out loud.

But the story goes that he sank like a stone, too, when his faith failed him out there on that water. And Lazarus died again somewhere along the way, too. And those disciples got stingy with the good news they’d received. And, in the end, despite all they’d seen and all they had to celebrate in their time with Jesus … in spite of all that faithful following … they denied him; they betrayed him; they deserted him; they left him hanging, quite literally, in the end.

Which is to say, again, this faith stuff is hard won, not easy, difficult for a lot of us to come by, to cultivate, cling to, and care about some days. And I think Jesus knew that and knows it, still. And I think it’s why he said then – and invites us, always – to “come and see” and “follow me,” nothing more and nothing less.

Peter Marty is a Lutheran pastor and editor of the Christian Century magazine, for which he wrote a piece last month about a man in his congregation who was coming to terms with the imminent death of his mother. The man, Jason, was 44 years old, his mother, Marie, was dying in the ICU. And Jason was utterly out of sorts about it all – never having been inside a hospital before and not resting in or wrestling with, any measure of faith, whatsoever.

So, in the ICU waiting room, trying to minister to Jason, whose mother was hours away from death, Pastor Marty was asking himself some pretty hard questions. Like, “to someone of unbelief sitting beside you in a hospital waiting room, how do you describe the power of faith, the significance of hope, or the meaning of life?” And, “How do you realistically acquaint them with the riches or comfort of faith during a 20-minute sit-down?”

Pastor Marty’s answer was, sadly, “You don’t.” And I think, sadly, most of the time, he’s right. None of us has encountered Jesus, strolling along the seashore with an easy, “Come and see” and “Follow me,” that does the trick.

As Pastor Marty writes, “Faith is a deeply ingrained condition formed through steady habits, disciplined practices, and reliable instincts that take shape over long stretches of time. It’s a way of life that acquires its layers and contours incrementally, developing ever so gradually and often imperceptibly.” He says, it’s something “like the parent who doesn’t notice her infant’s changing appearance until she comes home from a weeklong trip and can’t believe how much her child has matured in her absence.”

With that in mind, with the struggles that surround us in this world, and with the ones all of us are yet to encounter along the way, I hope we can be careful, compassionate, and realistic about how we receive and share this story of those first disciples who seem to so easily drop everything and follow Jesus.

Don’t get me wrong, their first steps were bold and brazen; beautiful and faithful; inspiring, even, to be sure. But, again, I know it’s not always so easy.

Because they were knuckleheads and naysayers, doubters and deniers, cynics and skeptics, fearful and faithless, too. And again, I think Jesus knew and knows that about all of us, just the same.

And it’s why our invitation is to follow in his footsteps. Not believe without question. Not denying that our fears are real or that they get the best of us too often, either.

But following with whatever faith we can muster – putting one foot in front of the other – loving, forgiving, showing mercy, giving generously, praying daily, worshiping regularly. Following as closely as we can – especially on our hardest days. Following Jesus – trusting that God is always somewhere out ahead of us … making a way for us and to us whether we believe it, understand it, can see it, or not. Following this Jesus – because his is the way and the truth and the life – and it makes a difference for us, come what may, in spite of ourselves, and for the sake of the world.


Failed Business, Evolving Faith

Luke 14:25-33

Now large crowds were traveling with him; and he turned and said to them, "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'

“Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? If he cannot, then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for the terms of peace.

“So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.”

This bit about building a tower you can’t finish had me Googling “failed business ventures” this week to find a contemporary comparison for Jesus’ example. It may not be completely fair, but I found a list of well-known, previously successful businesses that bit the dust in the last 15-20 years. I wondered if maybe their owners/CEOs/Boards of Directors, or whatever, failed to sit down to see whether they could finish or build on what they had started.

Blockbuster Video, of course, got creamed by the digital streaming industry. Places like Toy’s R Us and Border’s Books couldn’t possibly keep up with the convenience and efficiency of Amazon. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey’s Circus succumbed to pressure from animal rights organizations. I don’t know what happened to Dress Barn exactly – do you remember Dress Barn? – but I remember my sister-in-law joking once about refusing to buy her clothes in a barn, which does seem like pretty bad marketing when you think about it.

And more seriously, I thought about Vladimir Putin and his war on Ukraine when I read that other example Jesus uses about a king who wages war against another king without sitting down and considering just exactly what he might be getting himself into. Putin may have done the math enough to believe he had the numbers to win the war. But he couldn’t have accounted for the immeasurable, intangible will and spirit and resilience of the Ukrainian people – or the support of the rest of the world they inspired – to resist his attacks and defend themselves for as long as they have.

But what do my examples – or the examples of Jesus – have to do with the rest of what he’s trying to preach and teach to the crowds this morning? I suspect many of them were asking the same thing.

For me, this is a “be careful what you ask for” moment between Jesus and whoever’s paying attention to him. These are “fair warning” words from Jesus. All of this sounds like a “don’t say I never warned you,” “cover your behind” sort of proclamation, to me. And Jesus doesn’t seem happy about it.

Because just in the last couple of weeks, we’ve heard about him in the synagogue arguing with the powers that be who were trying to keep him from healing sick people.

Last week he was at the dinner banquet where people were pride-fully, selfishly Boss-Hogging the best seats at the party.

Right before what we just heard, he tells a parable about a bunch of knuckleheads who get invited to another important banquet but who make all sorts of excuses about what they would/could/should be doing instead. And now he’s out and about in the world again, being followed around by God-knows-who … crowds of hangers-on, it seems … looking to get a piece of whatever they believe he has to offer them.

And you get the impression that he’s over it. That he’s had enough. That he’s less than impressed with the willingness or ability or intentions of those who follow him to really follow him; to fully grasp what this discipleship means; to truly wrap their heads and their hearts and their lives around what the new life of God’s grace might do for them – and do to them – if they were to really, truly, fully receive it – and let it have its way with them.

And I think there’s a message for the 21st Century church in all of this, too. And a message for each of us as wannabe disciples of Jesus – faithful followers – just the same. And yes, it’s about money. After all Jesus says we can’t be his disciples if we don’t give up our possessions. Sacrificing our things and our stuff and our money is part and parcel of what it means to follow Jesus. But it’s not all or only about our money and our things and our stuff.

When I was reading about those companies that failed … those big businesses who couldn’t survive … those institutions that are no more…. The thing their respective downfalls all have in common was their failure to innovate; their inability to adapt to the needs of the world around them; their neglect of the desires and longings of the people they hoped would avail themselves of their services.

Netflix was more like Blockbuster in the beginning – renting DVDs through the mail, remember. But Netflix upped their game with the whole streaming thing while Blockbuster kept doing what they always did … and died trying.

Stores like Toys ‘R’ Us and Borders were just unable to offer the same affordable convenience that Amazon could.

I guess Ringling Brothers and Barnham and Bailey’s Circus just hoped people would never find out or care enough about the treatment of the animals it requires to make a circus a circus.

And Dress Barn? Who knows what a simple name change or a more flattering marketing plan might have done for their success and longevity.

So, I think Jesus might be inviting us to think differently, more practically, more shrewdly and simply, even, about what we’re up to as his disciples and as part of God’s Church in the world.

Yes, and again, it is about money. We can’t do what we want and need to do as God’s church in the world without the financial means to do it. But more importantly, the faithful practice of giving our money and our things and our stuff away is about the faithful practice of doing with less; of sacrificing for the sake of something bigger than ourselves; of doing without so that others might have what they need; of practicing generosity for the sake of generosity; of giving back with gratitude what has first been given to us; and of acknowledging our excess and standing in solidarity with the poor.

But, again, while our relationship with our wealth is paramount to Jesus, it’s not all or only about money.

It’s also about innovating and expanding our reach – we’ve done that in the last few years, thanks to the COVID crisis, by going online with our worship, giving, and other ministry options around here.

It’s about paying attention to, being vocal about, and addressing the needs of the world around us. Who’s hungry? Who’s hurting? Who’s being left out of circles of faith? How do we as individuals and as a congregation find them, listen to them, and bring them into our fold?

It’s also about not doing what we’ve always done, just because that’s the way we’ve always done it. Tradition for the sake of tradition is the most dangerous elephant in every church sanctuary this morning and something we should avoid at all costs, if you ask me.

And none of this is about surviving as an institution, just for the sake of surviving as an institution. It’s about following Jesus. It’s about seeking, receiving and celebrating God’s love for us to the extent that it’s not about us any longer. That’s the innovation Jesus calls us to. That’s the cost he warns us about and invites us to count on, to consider, and to plan for – if we want to get serious about this discipleship thing.

The evolution and innovation of our faith as followers of Jesus is about allowing all of this to cease being about us – to stop following Jesus around to see what we can get out of it, but to follow Jesus until our faith is about humbly and generously loving and serving the other.

It’s about being the body of Christ. It’s about changing the world with the kind of grace and mercy, love and hope he came to share. It’s about letting the fullness of the grace we claim for ourselves change us … utterly … to such a degree that the world around us is different and better and blessed and more like the Kingdom of God, because we are a part of it and because we share it – without shame, without reservation, without limits – in his name.
