
Transcend and Include

In what may be a classic case of the pastor reading his or her own life into the text, I noticed for the first time that this Pentecost story from Acts, which we read every year on this festival Sunday, is a story about identity. That is, who we understand ourselves to be; as well as who God understands us to be.

In today’s story, Jesus’ disciples are gathered for the Hebrew festival of Pentecost when suddenly God’s Spirit rushes into their room, lights a fire above their heads, and enables them to start speaking in languages other than their own. This attracts a great multi-ethnic and multi-cultural crowd of amazed and astonished onlookers. Each person in the large crowd, regardless of their home country and language, hears and understands the words of God’s spirit speaking through the mouths of 12 Hebrew men. 

The first lesson about identity from this scripture is that the Spirit respects and works within an individual’s identity. The crowd did not have to sacrifice their culture or language in order to receive God’s word. No one among that crowd had to become a Hebrew in order to be filled with God’s word. The Mesopotamians could be Mesopotamian and still receive God’s word. The Arabs could be Arab and still receive God’s word, and so on.

It’s appropriate and important to layer this truth on top of our world today. Israelis can be Israeli and receive God’s word in the same way that Palestinians can be Palestinian and receive God’s word. Republicans can be Republican and receive God’s word in the same way that Democrats can be Democrats and receive God’s word. Ohio State fans can be Ohio State fans and receive God’s word...and, well, good luck to all the rest of you! Just kidding. The Spirit never demands that you give up your identity; nor does it require that of anyone else. Who you are matters. Your gifts, your desires, your quirks, your vocational all matters.

The second lesson about identity from this scripture is that the Spirit transcends an individual’s identity. Peter is tasked with correcting those among the crowd who think the disciples are nothing more than drunks. Human beings like to label and categorize the identities of others. You’re black, you’re gay, you’re rich, you’re lucky, you’re a jerk, you’re a friend, you’re worthless, you’re a banker, you’re a pastor. This can be an innocent and helpful practice, but it clearly has the capacity to push away and oppress those whom you consider different.  

To such dismissive label-making, Peter raises his voice (which, in the New Testament, only happens when a blessing is being pronounced), and shouts an excerpt from Joel:

“In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh….Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

All flesh shall prophesy and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Not just the Lutherans, the Hebrews, the Republicans, the Democrats, the righteous, the drunks, the rich, the poor, the bankers, or the pastors.

This story is an epic announcement that God seeks to transcend and include our identities as the Holy Spirit does its saving work. 

It is absolutely true that who we are matters. 

It is absolutely true that God will work within us in spite of who we are. 

It is absolutely true that God will work within us because of who we are. 

Transcend and include. In other words, be who you are but don’t let it limit you or others.

This is my final Sunday here as a Pastor at Cross of Grace. Since announcing my resignation, the question of my identity has been a dominant one. Just about everyone has questions about who I am, or, rather, who I will be starting tomorrow. 

Will I still be in the ministry? 
Yes, of course. After all, one of our core faith tenets is the priesthood of all believers. We are all in the ministry. 

Will I still be a pastor? 
No…probably not...well, who knows!

What is my next job title or career path? 
Excellent question! TBD, I’ll keep you posted. Earlier in the week a friend told me he is going to think of me as a retired pastor, which I find quite amusing, though it’s a designation I’ve not earned. “X-Pastor” sounds like a superhero comic book character, like the “X-Men.” I suppose I could print a business card that says that. 

It’s not that these are unimportant questions. God knows I have been wrestling with these questions of identity for a long time. 

In packing up my office I picked up a book that was given to me as a gift when I was ordained. It was signed by the gift-givers (friends who have known me my whole life). They wrote in it: “February 7, 2010 – the day you became the man God created you to be.” 

That was exactly what I needed to hear when I started in parish ministry and it got me through a lot in my 11 years of ministry. When people would get mad at me for what I would or wouldn’t do or say...when I found myself devalued by people in the church...when I couldn’t find encouragement or support, I needed to know that in spite of all the frustrations and disappointments, I was doing what God created me to do.

But at some point, I became curious about life outside of being Pastor Aaron. If I could set off on another career path, what would I choose and why? I discerned a sense of encouragement and optimism as I considered my future outside congregational ministry. And, as the saying goes, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. 

The Spirit is inviting me to transcend my identity as a pastor...but to include it as well. Tomorrow, I will no longer be Pastor Aaron; but tomorrow I will have been Pastor Aaron. That rich and beautiful experience will always inform my sense of identity.

Transcend and include. After all, I’m still becoming the man God created me to be. And God’s still helping me in the process.

This process has, admittedly, been fairly tumultuous. I have an email folder full of rejection emails from positions at nonprofit organizations to which I’ve applied over the past few months. It is tempting to think of myself as someone no one wants to hire. And that is, in fact, a part of my identity. The call of the Spirit is, of course, to transcend that identity...but to include it as let it fill me with humility as well as inform my decisions and have compassion for others who find it hard to find meaningful employment and the gifts that such employment provides. Transcend and include. 

On top of all this, I found out this week that my identity has been stolen and that someone with my name, phone number, address, and social security number recently applied for a $50,000 loan from the US Small Business Administration. The credit reporting agencies are helping me transcend this identity issue, but as long as I’m unwilling to change my name, phone number, address, and social security number, there will always be a chance that someone will pretend to be me and steal money. I think there’s a whole separate sermon in there about being your true self, but alas, I’m out of time. 

All this is to say that identity matters, but only insofar as it leads to openness and inclusion rather than pride, isolation, and judgment of self or others. Who I am today and tomorrow matters. It matters to you, to my family, to me, and to God. Who I am today will be a part of who I am tomorrow. But who I am today or tomorrow will never change the fact that my true identity is found in Christ alone. I am a child of God. And doesn’t that make for a better business card to carry around? 

Who am I? I am a child of God. 

That’s what the Spirit says when it speaks to and through me, as it will continue to do regardless of whether I’m a pastor, a business owner, a teacher, a bartender, or anything else. 

And what’s true for me is especially true for you. Know who you are and let that knowledge expand your heart and mind in order to treat yourself and others with kindness, respect, and love. You are a beloved child of God with unique characteristics that God placed in you for a reason. You are still becoming the person God created you to be. So be kind to yourself and others, treat one another as beloved children of God, and may God bless you today, tomorrow, and forever. 


Sentness – Submerged Ministry

John 2:1-11

There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.

On the third day, when the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him,"They have no wine." And Jesus said to her, "[Mother], what concern is that to you and to me? My time has not yet come." But she went ahead anyway, telling the servants,"Do whatever he tells you."

Now standing there were six stone water containers for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water." And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, "Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward." So they took it.

When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from(though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom and said to him,"Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now."

This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

Last week Pastor Mark kicked off our 6-week engagement with the concepts found in the book titled Sentness. We explored our identity as “Sent People” and were charged with Jesus’ command to “go.”

So how many of you went (or “go-ed,” as my boys would say)?

Where did you go?

Consciously or inadvertently, you went exactly where you were supposed to go. You went home, you went to work, you went to school, you went out to eat, you took a trip, you went to visit someone in the hospital, and you randomly or purposely encountered someone who needed something.

God’s “Sent People” are sent into the everyday ordinariness of life.

God’s “Sent People” are sent into the everyday ordinariness of life because that is where we get to know the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our neighbors.

God’s “Sent People” are sent into the everyday ordinariness of life because that’s where we find the people who need to hear a word of peace, comfort, and hope.

God’s “Sent People” are sent into the everyday ordinariness of life because it is our calling to practice “Submerged Ministry” – offering words and deeds of peace in the presence of and on behalf of the unique world in which we are immersed.

Your first reaction to the word “ministry” might be that it refers to something that happens confined within the walls of the church. That would be true for a “Come and See” church; however, we choose to be a “Go and Be” church.

Submerged ministry means getting to know the hopes, fears, joys, and struggles of the people that you come in contact with every day.

If we hope to bear good news to anyone or any situation, we must first understand the terroir of our individual contexts.

The french phrase terroir is used to describe the effect of particular factors such as soil, water, temperature, elevation, nearby vegetation, and cultivation techniques combining to influence the precise taste of a wine. The same grapes grown in the Burgundy region of France will taste different than those grown in Northern California; just as the same grapes from the same vines will taste different from year to year based on a number its terroir.

There’s no one-size-fits all model for bringing peace to a hurting person or community. There’s no secret formula for ensuring that your church is making a difference in the world. Christian mission is not about selling a mass-produced product.

Instead, the task is to really pay attention to the people, places, and institutions that infuse your life. Take this as an invitation to have more personal and powerful conversations with your friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers. Notice the consequences of your actions in our community. Take even more time out of your already-busy days in order to be truly present for someone else.

A gospel story that illustrates the idea of submerged ministry comes from the second chapter of John; and it too has to do with wine. Jesus and his mother are at a wedding festival in Cana.

On the third day of the wedding festivities, Mary notices that the wine barrels are empty. In this time and place running out of wine too early isn’t simply embarrassing, it’s a disaster. Wine isn’t just a social lubricant; it’s a sign of the harvest, of God’s abundance, of joy and gladness, and hospitality. And so when they run short on wine they run short of all these more important things.

But thanks to Jesus’ mother’s awareness of the situation (the lack of wine as well as what it signified), Jesus commands the servants to fill the containers.

He doesn’t point out the irresponsibility of the father of the bride for not providing enough wine. He doesn’t condemn the guests for perhaps consuming more than they should. He simply, yet miraculously, provides a sign of God’s blessing and abundance: six huge basins – 180 gallons – of fantastic wine, more than enough for even three more days of partying. No one would leave this wedding thirsty, for abundance and blessing overflowed.

What’s striking about Jesus’ first reported miracle is how completely ordinary it seems. Turning water into wine, while impressive, certainly seems to be pretty low on the list of life-changing miracles attributed to Jesus. But it is the complete ordinariness of this miracle that makes it profound.

It is a miracle made possible by paying attention to the community’s needs, withholding condemnation, using ordinary everyday objects, and daring to bring the truth of God’s abundance into a situation where hope seems scarce.

Actually, the water-to-wine miracle bears a striking resemblance to what is the true first miracle of Jesus – the Incarnation. The translation of John 1:14 found in Eugene Peterson’s The Message, says it best, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”

Like the water-to-wine miracle, the incarnation of God in Jesus is a miracle made possible by paying attention to the community’s needs (a Savior), withholding condemnation (John 3:17 - “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world”), using ordinary everyday objects (flesh and blood), and daring to bring the truth of God’s abundance into a situation where hope seems scarce.

As people created and redeemed by God, the miracles of incarnation and water-turned-to-wine guide our ministry in and among the everyday ordinariness of life. We pay attention to the community’s needs, withhold condemnation, use ordinary everyday objects, and dare to bring the truth of God’s abundance into a situation where hope seems scarce.

May your faith inspire you to be so submerged in your community, so attuned to the particular terroir of your unique community, that you would notice the empty vessels that are begging to be filled.

And may this church and its neighbors work together to help our neighborhood flourish, so that God’s abundance can be experienced.